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Category: Authors

Rae, Lara

Lara Rae is a writer and stand-up comedian. She is one of the co-developers of the internationally acclaimed comedy Little Mosque on the Prairie.

Riordan, Kaitlyn

Kaitlyn Riordan Kaitlyn Riordan is a settler of Irish and French descent. From 2012-2021, Kaitlyn was part of the leadership team at Shakespeare in the…

Ross, Ian

Metis/Ojibway playwright and author Ian Ross was born in McCreary, Manitoba in 1968 and currently lives in Winnipeg.

Ruvinsky, Joan

A New Englander by birth, Joan Ruvinsky moved to Montreal to study physics and, later, linguistics at McGill University. Joan was well known for her…

Rose, Carol

Carol Rose is a writer, teacher, and counselor. She is published in CV2, Dandelion, Other Voices, Parchment, Prairie Fire, Quarry, The Wascana Review, Vintage ’96,…