Lara Rae is a writer and stand-up comedian. She is one of the co-developers of the internationally acclaimed comedy Little Mosque on the Prairie.
Kaitlyn Riordan Kaitlyn Riordan is a settler of Irish and French descent. From 2012-2021, Kaitlyn was part of the leadership team at Shakespeare in the…
Gord Rand is an actor and a writer. He has been on stages from San Francisco to Kigali.
Metis/Ojibway playwright and author Ian Ross was born in McCreary, Manitoba in 1968 and currently lives in Winnipeg.
Bay Ryley is a writer and editor from Toronto.
A New Englander by birth, Joan Ruvinsky moved to Montreal to study physics and, later, linguistics at McGill University. Joan was well known for her…
Rory Runnels helmed the Manitoba Association of Playwrights for 34 years, championing Manitoba plays and playwrights.
Carol Rose is a writer, teacher, and counselor. She is published in CV2, Dandelion, Other Voices, Parchment, Prairie Fire, Quarry, The Wascana Review, Vintage ’96,…
Kenneth Radu is the author of three story collections, four novels, and three volumes of poetry.
Betty Quan has written and/or adapted over a dozen acclaimed plays for stage and radio.