Set in an Italian village in the fifteenth century, Vinci revolves around the struggle for custody of a gifted child, a “golden boy,” Leonardo da Vinci. Padre Bartolomeo, a friend of the da Vinci family, finds himself caught between the powerful da Vincis and Leonardo’s defiant unwed mother, the servant Caterina. In his efforts to mediate the dispute and determine the future of Caterina’s exceptional child, Bartolomeo comes to a new understanding of the nature of forgiveness and love.
News & Reviews
“Hunter’s writing is utterly intoxicating.” —Calgary Herald
About the Author
Maureen Hunter is one of Canada’s most successful playwrights. Her work has been produced extensively on Canada’s major stages, in the United States, and Britain, and by CBC and BBC Radio. Her play Atlantis was a finalist for the Governor General’s Literary Award and Transit of Venus, premiered by Manitoba Theatre Centre, became the first Canadian play ever staged by the Royal Shakespeare Company of England. Hunter’s other plays include Sarah Ballenden, Beautiful Lake Winnipeg, Footprints on the Moon, I Met a Bully on the Hill, Poor Uncle Ernie in His Covered Cage, The Queen of Queen Street, The Room, Vinci, Wild Mouth, and Winners. A native of Saskatchewan, Maureen now lives on the Salish Sea at Sechelt, BC.